Online College START

Success • Transition • Awareness • Resiliency • Transformation

College START is a fully online program for students who need key resources and support with academics and social skills, but in an online setting, as they transition to, or even return to, college.

College START students benefit from:

  • Individualized advising and unparalleled support to help students with LD develop lasting learning strategies.
  • Access to campus resources including library, Information Technology, Drake Center for Academic Support
  • Intentional programming that promotes connection with residential LC students.
  • Unique course design that fosters student success by reducing barriers commonly found in traditional online learning programs.
  • Career readiness workshops offered through Landmark College Career Connections.
  • Online PEERS® program for students who need social skill development.
Tzipporah Anderson shares the reasons she chose
LC Online.
Why LC Online?
Tzipporah Anderson shares the reasons she chose LC Online.
Why LC Online?

What’s Next?

College START creates a foundation AND a pathway for students to develop learning strategies and build the skills needed to grow strengths in and out of the classroom setting. After completing this online experience, a student can go on to earn an associate or a bachelor’s degree at Landmark College or another institution. Whatever path a College START student chooses, they will leave the program with:

  • Improved time management and organizational skills
  • Insight into their personal learning styles and how to make changes that lead to academic success
  • Better skills needed to collaborate, communicate, and interact naturally and effectively in an academic, professional, or social environment
  • The foundation and confidence needed for future success

Courses offered include:

Semester 1 Course SubjectCourse Number
Perspectives in LearningEDU 1011
Composition and Rhetoric WRT 1011
Technology for Learning and LivingEDU 1022
One additional course
Semester 2 Course SubjectCourse Number
Research & AnalysisWRT 1012
Three additional courses

Students will work with their advisor to make final course selections.

Click here for course descriptions.

Request more information.

Course Schedule

TermCohort I
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Cohort II
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Cohort III
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Sept 11 -
Nov 8, 2020
Course I
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Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no option
Aug 23, 2020
Sept 11 -
Nov 8, 2020
Course I
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sit amet, vel no option
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no option
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Nov 1, 2020
Spring I
Sept 11 -
Nov 8, 2020
Course I
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sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no option
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Jan 17, 2021
Spring II
Sept 11 -
Nov 8, 2020
Course I
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sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Mar 28, 2021
Sept 11 -
Nov 8, 2020
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Course I
Lorem ipsum dolor
sit amet, vel no optio
Jun 6, 2021
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